Soccer Manager Game

(This cover page is produced by my students. Their English is not a great one however their programming skills are admirable) 








This program is written under my advising, purely in JAVA, by Worasing Rinsurongkawong and Thanadee Ujjubandh , who are graduate students in AU.

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Download Guidelines

For running this program you need:

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Installation Guidelines

(The program is platform-independent. You can run it in Windows 95,98 ; Windows NT; or UNIX systems)

1. Install JDK1.2.2 ( for example : into directory D:\JDK1.2.2 )

2. Add "D:\JDK1.2.2\BIN" into "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file in your computer. OR later add "D:\jdk1.2.2\bin\" before "appletviewer SoccerManager.html" in the "RUN.BAT" file from the "".

3. Restart computer.

4. Unzip file "" into any directory you want. ( add "D:\jdk1.2.2\bin\" before "appletviewer SoccerManager.html" in the "RUN.BAT" file so that we will have ""D:\jdk1.2.2\bin\appletviewer SoccerManager.html" in the first line of the file)

5. Start game by Running the file "Run.bat" from the installed directory.

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In this game you are the manager of a football team. Your role is to manage your team, choose the strategy including: select the team formation, and assign the position for each football player.

You can play this game in one player mode, or in two-player mode.

In any mode you can easily change the team formation, player positions during the game. The program will simulate every change as the command from the football manager to his team as in the real world. Therefore, you are the better manager if your team wins .

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Program User Guidelines

  1. Define the mode of playing: one-player or two-player.
  2. If you want to change the parameters of players as passing, shooting abilities push "Editor" to see window P-1.
  3. To start the GAME call the program "Run" to see window P-2.
  4. To SELECT the playing strategy, team formation, player positions click on "MANAGE TEAM-1" or "MANAGE TEAM-2" in P-2 to see P-3, then click "OK" to return to P-2.
  5. To START the match click on "KICK-OFF" button in P-2.
  6. If you want to see the whole field click on button "RADAR" in P-2 to see P-4.
  7. During the game you by click on "MANAGE TEAM-1" or "MANAGE TEAM-2" to change your team formation, player positions in window P- 2.
  8. If you need time to think you can pause the game by clicking button "PAUSE" and then continue by clicking button "CONTINUE" in P-2.
  9. To begin a new match click on button "RESTART" in P-2.



P-2 :


P- 3:




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