International Workshop on
June 24-27, 2002,
Monte-Carlo Resort, Las-Vegas, USA
an 'Agent' of Paris in Las-Vegas
Regardless of economical situation, efficiency is always a principle goal in conducting business. Automation can help us to carry out business in a fast, low-cost, and effective way with minimal human involvement. AGENT technology is one of the most promising tools to implement BUSINESS AUTOMATION autonomously, intelligently, and efficiently. The goals of this workshop are to gather academic as well as industrial researchers to exchange new ideas and experiences, to initialize new connections toward future cooperation or to strengthen existing collaborations.
Based on the
last year event we plan to have two tracks at two conferences: IC-AI-2002 and IC-IC-2002We welcome papers on formalism, frameworks, architectures, algorithms, protocols, design, evaluation (performance, QoS, security), implementation techniques, and applications for business agent-based systems. Technical issues to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
Special Interests
Agent Methodologies |
You are invited to submit papers through this
SUBMISSION Web Site . If the files are more than 1Mb then please email them to this address: . Draft papers can be in any format but should not be more than 15 pages. After reviewing papers can be accepted in two categories: for Presentations and for Posters. There is no limit on the number of accepted papers though new ideas are our preferences. The length of the Camera-Ready version of accepted papers will be limited to 7 (presentation) or 4 (poster) IEEE-format pages. Please provide: paper Title, your Names, contact E-mail, Affiliation and Address, Keywords (about 5), and Abstract in your email or at the Submission Web site.
Accepted papers will be published in the INTERNET COMPUTING Conference Proceeding and the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Conference Proceeding by CSREA Press (ISBN) in hard copy. The proceedings will be available at the conference site. In addition to the hard copy, it is also planned to publish the papers on a CD. Selected papers (with extension and revision) will be considered for journal publication. From the last year event, 8 papers of our sessions are chosen to be published in a special issue of the International Journal of E-commerce Research by the Kluwer publisher.
The last Joint conferences attracted over 1400 computer science researchers. It is anticipated that The 2002 International Joint conferences will attract about 2000 participants. The 2002 event will be composed of 14 (planned) international conferences - attendees will have full access to all 14 conferences' sessions and tracks.
( a link to each conference's URL is available from )PARTICIPATION:
There is no limit on the number of participants and we hope that you can come to our workshop in Las-Vegas this Summer. For the authors who may not be able to present their papers at the conference site, we plan to make a pre-or-post-conference on-line interactive real-time e-forum & presentations (all other authors will also be invited to participate). This is for introduction, questions/answers about papers and related projects, discussions about possible cooperation ... A minute of all discussions will be distributed to the participants.
EXTENDED to March 12, 2002 (Monday): Draft papersMarch 21, 2002 (Thursday) - EXTENDED !!! : Notification of acceptance May 3, 2002 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers & Pre-registration
(current list ...)Verner Andersen
, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark
Dr. Hanh Pham
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz
75 S. Manheim Blvd. Suite 6, FOB-08
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA
E-mail: (OR
Tel: 1-845-257-3574
Fax: 1-845-257-3996